Tel: 0870 600 1925



Applicants must be a member of a Recognised Professional Body and have passed the two-part examination, including a peer review, to become a qualified Registered Property Receiver (RPR). Recognised Professional Bodies acceptable to Nara include RICS, IPA, ACCA, ICAEW, CAI, ICAS, Bar Council and the Law Society. Members of other professional bodies should contact the Nara office for advice as to their eligibility. More details of the RPR scheme, (which is administered by the IPA) and a guide to the RPR exam are available from our website.

Fellows have the following benefits:
- Listing of you and your organisation in the annual Nara Membership Directory and in the ‘Find a Practitioner’ area of the Nara website
- to attend and vote at General Meetings of the Association
- to receive the Association’s literature
- have access to Guidance Notes and Professional Statement on the Members Only pages of the Nara website
- to use the designatory letters FNARA
- to use the nara ® logo on their own business cards (full details on the website under “join Nara”)
- to be elected to Council
- to attend Nara events at the member’s rate

Fee: 2025 Annual subscription £384 (inc VAT at 20%) + a one-off joining fee of £250 (inc VAT at 20%)
Applicants who are already Nara Associate members or Trainees are exempt from the joining fee

Note: Registered Property Receivers are required to pay additional RPR fees payable to the separate administrators of that scheme.

Note: All applications for membership of Nara are reviewed by the Nara Membership Applications sub-Committee prior to approval by Nara Council. Council reserves the right to refuse any application without disclosure of reasons. 
** This registration process will take you 10 minutes to complete. **
It is not possible to save during your application process, so before you start you will need to hand PDF copies of your current RPB certificate, your RPR Scheme certificate, and signatures of your proposer and seconder to upload.